Onyx's NAUT Featured in Popular Science

Onyx is thrilled to see its autonomous maritime mobility system, NAUT - Nautical Autonomous Unmanned Tail - being featured by Popular Science in an article titled 'A new tail accessory propels this robot dog across streams.'

"NAUT is the ultimate plug-and-play autonomous maritime mobility system for easy command and control, designed to enhance traditional maritime capabilities and improve operational effectiveness in support of mission."

Built to withstand austere conditions and programmed with a proprietary autonomous propulsion method that enables the execution of pre-programmed mission plans or maneuvering the system via a smart controller, NAUT provides unmatched maritime mobility capabilities to any buoyant system requiring unmanned thrust and autonomy.

Read the article here:

Airborne Operations Defense Technology FYNDER ISR JUMP V60 Maritime Mobility NAUT Onyx Industries Onyx X360 RAMT RAW Remote Weapon System Risk Mitigation RWS SENTRY UAVs Unmanned Mobility Unmanned Systems

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